Monday, April 25, 2011

Bike tech. Lynskey Performance Cycles

Because I am an avid cyclist, and many of the people currently following this blog aren't, I thought I'd do a post on basic bike tech, as well as an overview of what my bikes are, and my preferences. The frame that I'm riding a version of now. As Travis puts it, "a balls out race bike". Fitting description. So, you go to the page, you see that beautiful piece of bike, and you wonder, "well, what makes it good enough to charge $1595 for just the frame?" Lemme tell you. It is made out of Titanium, which makes for the one of the absolute best frame materials in the world (this is from personal experience people, I *love* it!). A Ti frame won't break or snap like carbon fiber or aluminum can. You can (as Travis puts it) "crash it, lay it down, and never have to worry about it breaking. Never." Well, that sounds pretty convincing right? Ok, there are downsides. Due to the characteristics of Ti, the building process is hard, and expensive. Many companies produce carbon fiber and aluminum frames, however only a few are capable of making a good quality Ti frame. That pushes the final price of the frame up, thus making new riders (such as myself a few years ago) take a tendency to frown on Ti, as something not worth the money. Also, the material isn't the lightest for frame building. Carbon fiber, and aluminum frames can be made light, ridiculously so in some cases, but Ti isn't as light. All of these characteristics make for a frame material that is rarely seen, if ever. I can tell you one thing: If you took a test ride on a Lynskey, that you would fall in love. It may not be light, it may be expensive, and it might not be 'high-modulus carbon fiber', but it rides like a dream. One of those dreams you wish you would never wake up from. Try it. See if you don't agree with me.

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